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- Development and delivery of an online course on "Online Education" for 70 Peruvian educators in collaboration with the Directorate of Educational Services in Rural Areas - DISER, Ministry of Education of Peru.


- Publication of academic article in Campos en Ciencias Sociales magazine of the Santo Tomas University - Bogotá, Colombia. Filut, D. (2020). Peace and sustainable development in the educational field, a visible or invisible relationship. Campos in Social Sciences, 8 (2), 133-158.


- Series of virtual conferences on "ICTs in times of Corona" to instructors of the National Learning Service SENA.


- Conference on "Online education during Covi19" in the forum “International forum [no] of digital transformation of school education" organized by OpenPolicyFoundation, Ukraine.


- Appointment as part of the scientific committee of the editorial member of the REVISTA ACADÉMICA CUNZAC, Guatemala.


- Lecture in the annual conference of Great Geniuses (Colombia) - "Online Education from the Israeli experience in times of Corona".


- Development and lead of an online course on "Online Education" for 170 Peruvian educators in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Metropolitan Lima - DRELM, Ministry of Education of Peru.


- Publication of an academic article in the book Environmental crisis: rationality, dialogic approach for a new environmental perception. Barranquilla: Simón Bolívar University Editions. (2020) with the article - “The possible methodological relationship of place-based learning and environmental education”.


- Opening conference in International Webinar "Educational Reality in Central and South America in 2020" organized by the University of the Amazon, Colombia.


- Series of virtual conferences to Vietnam Educators on the STEM Approach in collaboration with VNIES- Vietnam Institute for Education Scienes.


- Interview on the topic of Education in Israel by Great Geniuses # EduTransformation.


- Series of virtual conferences on "Education towards Sustainable Development" to instructors from the National Learning Service SENA.


- Publication of an academic article in the Revista de Estudos de Literatura, Cultura e Alteridade-Igarapé. Albor-Chadid, L. I., Filut, D., Valero-Díaz, B. and Rodríguez-Burgos, K. (2020). Proposal for pedagogical innovation to reduce school dropouts in Colombia from the experience of Israel.


- Development and implementation of a program of talks and virtual courses for more than 1500 participants (March-May) #EducacionEnTiemposdeCorona.


- Keynote talk at the University of San Carlos, Guatemala City, Guatemala on "Education in the 21st Century."


- Academic visit to the University of San Carlos in Zacapa, Guatemala.


- Work with students of Master of Environmental Studies of the University of San Carlos in Zacapa, Guatemala.


- Visit to the municipality of Gualan, Guatemala on the subject of Education Towards Sustainable Development. Projection of educational programs for girls' schools.


- Professional visit to the Intepcap Chiquimula Center, Guatemala and presentation on "Education in the 21st Century" to leaders of the center and the region.




- Keynote note speaker opening the 1st INTECAP Congress for 350 Instructors, presenting on "Millennials and the New Educational Paradigm" in Guatemala.


- Training of 50 educators on the subject of Soft Skills, ICT Tools and Innovation in Education at INTECAP, Guatemala.


- Presentation on “Education towards Sustainable Development”at the Ministry of Environment of Guatemala. 


- Keynote note speaker on "New Trends in Higher Education" to educators of the Women's University of the Sacred Heart-UNIFE in Lima, Peru.


- Trained 40 educators in the field of innovation pedagogies organized by the Regional Directorate of Education of Metropolitan Lima in Lima, Peru.


- Keynote note speaker on “Education in the 21st century” to directors and supervisors, organized by the Regional Directorate of Education of Metropolitan Lima in Lima, Peru.


- Keynote note speaker on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education” organized by the Government of Cusco, Peru.


- Training of 30 educators on the subject of pedagogies in Education for Sustainable Development in the annual event of the Orden de Frailes Menores Provincia Franciscana de los XII Apóstoles del Perú in Arequipa, Peru.


- Keynote note speaker on “Education towards Sustainable Development” at the annual event of the Orden de Frailes Menores Provincia Franciscana de los XII Apóstoles del Perú in Arequipa, Peru.


- Virtual conference on “New Trends in Higher Education” in the framework of the "IV DAY OF INNOVATION EXPERIENCES IN THE PUCP TEACHING". Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.


- Participation in panel on the importance of education for the development of society. Organized by the Secretary of Education of the Municipality of Monteria, Colombia.


- Leaded a training to 30 academic coordinators of 30 educational institutions in the subject of educational innovation organized by the Secretary of Education of the Municipality of Monteria, Colombia. Focused on educational leadership and mainstreaming of the educational program.


- Visit to the city of Paipa for consulting and support of the educational projects of the educational institutions of the city, organized by the Municipality of Paipa, Colombia.


- Dictation of virtual conference to students of Community Psychology course of the Simón Bolívar University - Barranquilla Colombia, with the objective of sensitizing them in front of the social problems of the communities and their task of providing alternative solutions.


- Leaded a training to 30 teachers from 30 educational institutions in the field of educational innovation organized by the Secretary of Education of the Municipality of Monteria, Colombia. Focused on pedagogical practice.


- Publication of the chapter "Conceptualization and characterization of education towards sustainable development" in the book "Socio-environmental education - Action-Present", on new key concepts, new theoretical developments around the objectives of Sustainable Development.




Keynote Speaker on "Good Practices in International Development Projects" at the conference organized by the José Consuegra Higgins Center for Research and Social Innovation -CIISO of the Simón Bolívar University Barranquilla, Colombia.


- Conference on the 'Cooperative Ecosystem as a Driver of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Israeli case' within the framework of the "EDUCOOPERAMOS" project; as part of the Diploma course offered to Teachers of Fe y Alegría Chiantla - Guatemala.


- Lecturer in an online diploma course organized by Young Ibero-Americans organization on the conceptualization and development of the concept of Sustainable Development.


- Dictated workshop in Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam in collaboration with 'KDI Education' and the municipality's education department to 40 public school educators on the subject of the STEM approach.


- Talk to 30 parents on the subject of the STEM educational approach and its impact on Israel's national economy in Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam.


- Dictated workshop in Hanoi - Vietnam in collaboration with 'KDI Education' to 40 private school educators on the subject of the STEM approach.


- Keynote Speaker to the academic community of the University of Córdoba in Montería - Colombia on the subject of the University in the 21st century.


- Workshop delivered on new pedagogies in higher education for teachers, researchers and lecturers from 5 universities in collaboration with SUE Caribe – Colombia in three different cities: Monteria, Barranquilla, and Cartagena.




- Keynote Speaker at the III National Congress of Natural Sciences at Universidad De la Costa - CUC. Barranquilla, Colombia. Presented the topic of EDUCATION TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BASED ON THE ISRAEL MODEL.


- Meeting with CIISO researchers. Barranquilla, Colombia. Sharing with the José Consuegra Higgins Center for Research and Social Innovation -CIISO of the Simón Bolívar University Barranquilla, Colombia. Prior to the publication of an article about Pedagogical Reflections on Education towards Sustainable Development.


- Keynote Speaker at the III International Seminar on Social Work: innovation and social entrepreneurship at the Simón Bolívar University. Keynote speaker presenting "Social Entrepreneurship. Israeli Models of Social Innovation - Working with Vulnerable Communities"


- Visited the municipality of Paipa, Boyacá. Supervision of educational projects in the seven public institutions. Educational Project conducted with the Mayor of the city, Dr. Yamit Hurtado.


- Keynote speaker at the First Scientific Congress - MEDUCA in Panama. Presented, at the plenary, the subject of Education towards Sustainable Development. In addition, I dictated a workshop on pedagogies on ESD and participated in the closing expert panel.


- Keynote speaker at International Scientific Conference “Modern Problems of the Enterprise Management: Theory and Practice” on “Educational management: school principals in Israel” to the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine via Skype.



- Training for Educators in Education towards Sustainable Development of 2 days at Santo Tomas University, Bucaramanga – Colombia.


- Training for Educators in Education towards Sustainable Development and New Pedagogies and its application in a process of Transformation of Course Plan of 2 days and a half in the Technological Units of Santander, Bucaramanga – Colombia.


- Keynote speaker at the expert panel on Sustainable Development on “Education towards Sustainable Development” Bucaramanga – Colombia.


- Keynote speaker at the International Forum for Social Entrepreneurship at Santo Tomas University on the “Israeli Culture of Innovation”, Tunja – Colombia.


- Workshop on “How to Lead Social Change” as part of the Forum for Social Entrepreneurship.


-  3 days Youth Leadership Workshop on Sustainable Development organized by the Department of Environment of the Government of Boyacá – Colombia.


- Diagnostic work in the city Paipa, Colombia on the educational system, of 10 institutions, with the objective of starting a process of educational support in New Pedagogies and Education Towards Sustainable Development with the current Mayor. (It has already started, January 2016)


- Keynote speaker on “Youth Leadership models” to University students’ representatives – Conference via Skype. Conference in Colombia



- 5 day Training for Educators in the subject of “Education towards Sustainable Development” at Santo Tomas University, Tunja – Colombia.


4 day Youth Leadership Workshops in Collaboration with the Municipality of Tunja – Colombia.


4 day Training in the subject of ethno education with the Zenu Community in Montelibano, Córdoba – Colombia.


- Diagnostic work with the Israeli Embassy in South of Delhi and teachers training center Haryana – India.


- Diagnostic work to SARD NGO on Motivation and Empowerment of teachers in India. 


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